Thursday, July 17, 2008

Green Glass over Emeralds

AAAAHHHH, I hate seeing my friends marry outside the temple. I HATE it!! I'm glad they're getting married, and I'm sure their spouses are wonderful people, and maybe it was the right thing for them right now, and maybe I don't know half the story or the whole of the situation, but its still just hard for me to stomach. I wish I could hear their rationalizing so maybe I'd feel better about it, but in the meantime, I just can't see and don't understand how this is how it ended, when we all sat in Young Womens together, we all went to Girls Camp and mutual and EFY and youth conference and talked about how we all wanted the same thing. When did that change?


Anonymous said...

I've never heard that analogy before... choosing green glass over emeralds. That is a deep and yet simple one, I like it a lot.

I'm sorry about your friend. Being someone who has seen many-a-friend get married outside of the Temple, I feel like I can relate.

Bill said...

I'm sorry about this too. One of my close friends just got married outside the temple as well, the reasoning being that her now-husband was just baptized in April and so it hasn't been a year. They're planning on being sealed at his year-mark, which is good, but... I've just seen too many people claim that that was going to happen and then never do it.

Anonymous said...

So what ever happened to that guy you were dating? Still going strong?