Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Loneliest Number

And then Valentine's Day rolls around and you're reminded how very single you are.

And you pick up where you left off mentally planning the single life you will forever lead. There've been so many individuals in my life recently that inspire me in their ways of making a life out of their singleness, and it's so consoling. I keep meeting the most talented charming beautiful girls who have already graduated from BYU, found a living for themselves, and still perform in the local theaters, still passionately doing what they love, enjoying themselves, still leading fulfilling happy lives, and I want to be like them!

So I'm planning how happy I'm going to be: I'm going to teach cooking classes in the junior high down the street and perform in the community theaters and and go to the temple every week and paint the walls of my apartment and sew purses to sell in boutiques and buy a bird and listen to jazz all evening and be very very happy.


Anonymous said...

Hey Camille, I know how you feel. On Valentines all of my friends went out with there significant others and even my younger brother and sister. But it'll all work out in the end. And on the Lord's time tabel.

mamabluffs said...

Camille, you're an amazing inspire me! Love ya, Aunt Miriam

Bill said...

If I'd realized you weren't completely BOMBARDED with guys who were DYING to take you out on Valentine's Day, I'd have TOTALLY taken you out! (Well, if you WANTED, of course. Your choice!) ;-)

How have you been, my friend? I haven't talked to you in forever!