Sunday, April 27, 2008


SCHOOL : Family Life
BACHELORS MAJOR : Family & Consumer Sciences Education

Fall Semester 2004
A HTG 100 042 American Heritage 3.0
CHEM 152 001 Introductory Organic Chemistry 2.0
DANCE 180 006 Social Dance, Beginning 0.5
DANCE 190 002 Ballet, Beginning 0.5
MFHD 210 003 Human Development 3.0
MUSIC 200 002 Elements of Music 1.0
MUSIC 333R 001 Jazz Voices 1.0
PE 105 002 Healthy Living 0.5
REL A 121 005 Intro to the Book of Mormon 2.0
TMA 201 002 Theatre History 1 3.0
SEM HR ERN 16.5 GPA 3.53

*Note to self: Don't take 10 classes your 1st semester of college, on top of a performing group, a 5am cake decorating job, and Organic Chemistry!!

Winter Semester 2005
DANCE 280 008 Social Dance, Intermediate 1.0
ENGL 115 005 College Writing & Reading 3.0
GEOG 120 001 Geography & World Affairs 3.0
MUSIC 333R 001 Jazz Voices 1.0
REL A 122 093 Intro to the Book of Mormon 2.0
STAT 221 004 Principles of Statistics 3.0
TMA 202 002 Theatre History 2 3.0
SEM HR ERN 16.0 GPA 3.89

Fall Semester 2005
BIOL 100 025 Principles of Biology 3.0
FAMLF 100 001 Strengthening Marriage & Family 3.0
HFL 287 001 Intermed Clothing Construction 3.0
MUSIC 160R 022 Voice 1.0
REL C 324 021 The Doctrine & Covenants 2.0
SC ED 276R 006 Exploration of Tchg-Home Ec 4.0
SEM HR ERN 16.0 GPA 3.81

Winter Semester 2006
ENGL 359 003 The Short Story 3.0
HFL 102 002 Introduction to Interiors 3.0
HFL 400R 002 Teaching Practicum 1.0
MFHD 221 003 Foundations of Dev Appro Prac 2.0
MUSIC 186 001 Songwriting 1 2.0
PHSCS 167 001 Desc Acous Music Speech 3.0
REL A 212 009 The New Testament 2.0
SEM HR ERN 16.0 GPA 3.74

Fall Semester 2006
HFL 110 019 Food Preparation in the Home 2.0
HFL 230 001 Housing the Family 3.0
HFL 387 001 Adv Clothing: Patternmaking 3.0
IP&T 286 003 Instructional Tech in Teaching 1.0
MFHD 222 001 DAP Practicum 2.0
REL C 234 012 LDS Marriage & Family 2.0
SC ED 350 007 Adolescent Development 2.0
SEM HR ERN 15.0 GPA 3.94

Winter Semester 2007
CPSE 402 007 Educ Stdnts w/Disablts in ScEd 2.0
ENGL 315 006 Writing in the Social Sciences 3.0
HFL 202 002 Design in the Home 3.0
HFL 260 002 Family Finance 3.0
NDFS 100 001 Essentials of Human Nutrition 3.0
REL C 261 009 Family History-Genealogy 2.0
SEM HR ERN 16.0 GPA 3.89

Spring Term 2007
HFL 180 001 Clothing the Family 3.0
HFL 223 001 Preparation for Marriage 3.0
SEM HR ERN 6.0 GPA 3.85

Summer Term 2007
HFL 403R 001 Research Practicum 2.0
MFHD 240 001 Parenting & Child Guidance 3.0
SC ED 353 001 Multicultural Education 2.0
SEM HR ERN 7.0 GPA 3.87

Fall Semester 2007
HFL 282 002 Textiles 3.0
HFL 340 002 Family Meal Management 3.0
HFL 377 001 Tchg Mthds in Fam&Cons Sci Ed 3.0
HFL 395R 001 Special Topics in Home & Fam Livng 3.0
REL C 130 008 Missionary Preparation 2.0
SC ED 378 003 Practicum in Secondary Educ 1.0
SEM HR ERN 15.0 GPA 3.80

Winter Semester 2008
SC ED 476R 020 Student Tchg Internship-Home Ec 12.0


BYU HR ERN 135.5 GPA 3.80

And thus its been an incredible BYU experience! I think in every aspect of life, we reach the end, and suddenly it all seemed like cake along the way. You forget how impossible half of these classes were and all you can remember is how fun it was! (Ok, I still recall hating finals every single time!) I mentioned this to my mom, and she said its like childbirth--you forget everything you hated about it and it really wasn't all that bad? Can't every life experience be like this? Its hard in the moment, and at the time, you think there's never been anything more difficult in your life, and then you reach the end and it hardly seems like it was a struggle in the first place.


Adam B said...

How come you're bragging all about your grades? Are you planning on running for public office, and you want it all to be out there in the open? :D

Anonymous said...

Haha, no I just quickly copied and pasted the whole academic summary to eventually get around to commenting about all the fun classes I've taken! I guess I could delete the grades...didn't notice them on there!