Monday, July 28, 2008

Ye That are Heavy Laden

I am completely spent. I have nothing left in me. I had a truly incredible EFY in Rexburg--Sunday morning I got a call to be a counselor for another week up at BYU-I, so I jumped at the offer, canceled all my plans, packed and left within the hour. I feel that I gave everything I had to give, which is a wonderfully satisfying feeling. I told my girls at the beginning of the week: Be leaches, suck me dry! I want to give you all that I have!

And they really took me up on it. I ended up talking so very late into the night for the rest of the week. It was humbling to have my girls trust me so much with such terrible things they've gone through. I felt so very inadequate, and at a loss of what to say, but through lots of tears and prayers and searching on my own, perhaps they felt a little of what the Lord wanted them to hear. The last night, I sat with one of my girls, and just held her, without a single word for a half hour as she quivered in my arms. There is still a lot of healing that she has to endure, but she'll make it. It makes me so angry what someone would do to that precious daughter of God. How many girls endure this so very often? What all am I oblivious to? Was I to experience this week so that I may slowly learn how to comfort others going through this same thing?

I don't think I've ever felt like I needed to be in a certain place more than I did last week. How incredible it is when the Lord trusts you with His children. Though my impact may have been very small, I felt like it was enough, for now! May the Lord bless those 26 little girls I had under my wings this summer.

1 comment:

Adam B said...

I forgot to tell you when I read this before, but thank you for your words. They really lifted me up, and I felt the Spirit as I read. Even though I missed you while you were gone, I'm glad you had the experiences you did.

So anyway, thank you for writing this. It made me happy. That's all! :)