Monday, July 28, 2008

Thanks for Asking

Ok, here's a worldly update on me:

1) No, I'm not dating anyone, thank you all for asking :) Through more fault of my own, probably. As soon as I come up with a sound theory about relationships, and why they don't work for me, I'll post it, and in the meantime, this is me shrugging my shoulders and smiling and saying, "well, I tried!"

2) I'm in another show! It'll be a Best of Broadway show, on Aug 15-23, so only 5 performances, and I get to do a little "Goin' Courtin", "The Girl in 14G" (my big diva number), and "We Go Together" as Sandy :) Bring a date, or bug me for comp tickets, or come just to critique and we'll do ice cream at my place afterwards! I love critisism.

3) I'm getting extremely nervous and scared to start teaching for real in two and a half weeks. Its worrying me how the first day and the first week are so crucial to the success of the rest of the year, and its in the first day and the first week that I have NO IDEA how to do this! Please, may they not hate me!

4) Yes, I did finally get some paychecks in the mail! I survived! Through the offers of friends and the deeds of a dear stranger (I still think he was one of the 3 Nephites), it all turned out ok. THANK YOU all for looking out for me. It brings a smile to my face thinking of how many friends really do have my back when I need them!

5) I'm really blessed. I have SO many reasons to be the happiest girl in the world. That's all.


Anonymous said...

I'd be interested in hearing that theory about relationships...

Steve said...

Hey Camille, how are you, glad to see your doing well, I'm interested on those comp tickets if you can get some for Saturday! I'd love to bring my GF and say Hi.Let me know!