Sunday, August 10, 2008


And then when you least expect it, someone sweeps you off your feet!

So I met this boy...his name is Jason Millar :) I really really like him!
We met doing this play called Beauty & the Beast. I thought he was cute at our first rehearsal, but it took him a whole month to ask me out, probably b/c I was out of town doing EFY.

So one rehearsal, he asked me for a ride home, (although he already had a ride) and asked me out to see a play. And that's where it started! We talked and played cards and flirted all night long, and decided that we could be friends.

Its really great, and I'm really happy. Ok, details: Jason is from Rigby, Idaho. He's 22, and has been back a year from serving in Florida. He was an RA last year in Heritage Halls, and wants to go into business. He's the youngest of 5 children, and has the cutest nieces & nephews! He has the most beautiful singing voice, and he's the perfect height, and he does the sweetest things for me all the time. I'm pretty much crazy about him. I hope you all get to meet him! You all should probably come see the play, and see how cute we are when he's Gaston and trying to win me over on stage. No, come when he's the Prince, b/c then we get to kiss at the end. Its pretty romantic.

Its incredible to me how quickly it has developed, and how I'm completely content with everything about it! Once in blue moon, you find someone where everything seems so perfect, and so easy, and so natural that you wonder how you were so lucky to come across it. I'm the luckiest girl in the world!


Adam B said...

You mean if you ever get a chance to sit down for 5 whole minutes that aren't spent with Jason. And like you'd really want to do that anyway. :)

Chelsea and gang said...

OOOHHH!! DO TELL!!! This is Chelsea! My blog address is in case I haven't already told ya! How are you sweetie? We need to have another get together with those of us that are left!

Anonymous said...

Um, it's been a while. Maybe you should write more about Jason anyway, or write about Jason while Jason is sitting next to you! Inquiring minds are eager to hear!

Jason said...

sounds like a real catch you got there!

Erin said...

We'd love to meet him, Camille!

Bill said...

You need to post again. Like, right now. You know what I'm talking about.
